MATERIAL PLAYBOOK for community resourced insulation materials in emerging economies

LORAPIM project (LOcally Ressourced And Processed Insulation Materials for emerging economies) is the result of the collaboration between TAMassociati and ARUP

The overall project aim is to provide an open source guidance for safe, healthy and performing insulation materials that are sourced and processed locally in emerging countries.

Sourcing construction materials sustainably is one of the most pressing challenges facing the industry today. In the developing world, rapid population growth means governments are exploring way to deliver high-quality, affordable, and above all sustainable building systems.

Designing resilient communities is the driving force behind this publication, which aims to provide guidance for built environment consultants, NGOs and local communities working together to source natural and renewable construction materials at local level.

The report offers a structured approach and methodology to develop context-specific solutions, combining technical knowledge with the skills and insight of the local community.

The report is the result of playful collaboration between ARUP and TAMassociati, with the generous support of Madrid’s Universidad Politécnica (UPM), MUSOCO and the community of Keur Bakar in Senegal.

To inform the practicability of the proposed solutions, some of the concepts were trialled and prototyped on site of the community project “H2OS – Open-Source Prototype House for Eco-Villages in Senegal” in the village of Keur Bakar in Senegal. The testing and prototyping of insulating products was conducted for the community house.



> read more about H2Os project






  • Place: Keur Bakar Dihaité, Senegal
    Status: on going
    Design: TAMassociati + Arup