Beyond the war. Promoting work through two new Vocational Training Centres in Darfur, Sudan
Assignment: Architectural design for two Vocational Training Centers in Darfur, Sudan
Services: Conceptual design, supervision, monitoring and feedback for preliminary and final designs
The Vocational Training Centres we designed in Darfur, Sudan, are a concrete example of how sustainable design can have a positive social, economic and environmental impact. They are a result of a decision by the Sudanese government, in partnership with GIZ (German Cooperation), to create economic growth and opportunities for social improvement for the young local population, internally displaced persons and refugees in Darfur.
The Vocational Training Centres, under construction in the cities of El Fasher and El Geneina, will play an important role in the country’s economic development and meet the needs of businesses for specific skills and creating new opportunities for income generation, well-being and social inclusion. In addition, the buildings have high bioclimatic and energy-saving standards.
Expected impacts of the Vocational Training Centres
The expected impacts of the buildings and their surroundings are social, economic and environmental. The social impact is particularly important in a war-torn area, promoting human rights, equal opportunities, participatory design and equitable distribution of project benefits. In addition, some of the facilities are open to the community, such as the library, study room and cafeteria, and sports fields and green spaces provide further community-building opportunities.
Equally important is the economic impact: the buildings have been designed to be economically sustainable, not only during construction, but also in terms of long-term value, productivity and job creation.
In terms of environmental sustainability, the training centres are resource efficient, have a low carbon footprint and respond effectively to the local climate. More specifically, the VTCs meet the requirements of a Zero Energy Building (classrooms and offices) and Nearly Zero Energy Building (workshops). This means solar energy production, shading systems to increase energy efficiency, rainwater recycling and locally sourced materials.
The two buildings have the ambition to become exemplary models in terms of technological innovation in response to climate change and sustainability objectives, architectural composition, and the ability to become a pole of sociality for the community it serves.

Place: El Fasher & El Geneina, Darfur, Sudan
Client: GIZ – German Cooperation - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Status: under construction
Concept Design and Supervising Preliminary and Detailed Design: TAMassociati
MEP engineering consultant: Climosfera srl
Preliminary and Detailed Design: Tekno Consultancy, Khartoum, Sudan